Friday, February 5, 2010

Warning Signs

I sat and watched a mother at the jail service the other night as she cried and stated "I don't want my kids to walk in my footsteps!"  The Holy Spirit immediately told me to tell her "Don't say that! Determine to make new footsteps down the path you would want your children to walk as well!"  Just because you've made bad choices it doesn't mean it's the end.  There was a time in my life I wouldn't have wanted my children walking in my footsteps either.  But when Jesus saved me from that past lifestyle He gave me a new direction, a direction that leads to eternal life in Christ Jesus and now I follow His footsteps.

As I see the younger generation of today it tears my heart apart to see all of the things the devil has lured them into that will lead to their eternal damnation in hell.  Pastor Jentezen Franklin preached this message "Warning Signs" at a Winterfest a couple of years ago that I took the youth to be a part of.  During the services I witnessed countless young people on their knees crying their hearts out to God.  I realize it is a long message, but it is a powerful message that today's youth need to hear! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Come Be the Fire Inside of Me

Last week I went to a revival (Evangelist Mike Warwick) in Mebane, NC at the Mebane Church of God and experienced an awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The praise and worship during Tuesday night's service was so anointed that the evangelist didn't get to preach.  One of the songs during the worship that night I had never heard before but it really ministered to me.

As I was thinking upon the words of this song I thought about a fire and when you throw something into the fire it is almost immediately consumed to where it becomes one with the fire. In other words, it loses itself in the flames. If you throw a newspaper into the fire and walk away for a few seconds, when you come back you will no longer see the newspaper, only the flame. I want the Holy Spirit to burn up everything within me that keeps me from becoming One with Him, so that when others look at me all they see is the Flame of the Holy Spirit burning within my heart.

You Won't Relent by Jesus Culture:
You won't relent
Until You have it all
My heart is Yours

I'll set You as a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
And many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one