Friday, July 3, 2009

A Call to Anguish

My heart has been heavily burdened over the past few months, at times all I can do is cry. God has given me several dreams within the past few weeks that have shaken me for those who are dying in sin. I go to bed many nights in tears over those in my family who are lost and sometimes I wake up in tears over a dream I have had that will move me to pray for that individual. I saw something the other night that really disturbed me and I said to myself, "God if this hurts me, how much more does it hurt You?" God reminds me of how much He loves the sinner in Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. I think of my own children and how my heart would burst within me if one of them were lost, I would be weeping and hurting so bad for my child to be returned back to me. The cry of God's heart is the same and He has commissioned you and I to go and get them!

There's a song that is sung often in my church called "I Believe He's Coming Back". I love this song because I do believe He is coming back. But, in the back of my mind I wonder, how far away in our minds have we placed His return. What would I do different if I "believed" He was coming back in the next couple of hours? How many people would I call who aren't saved? How much more would I cry out in agony for those who are lost? Lord, Help me to pray, live and witness like I really "believe" You are returning and help me be a road block for that person closest to hell!

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