Monday, June 8, 2009

The Perfect Picture

Have you ever put a puzzle together? I have put the 100 piece puzzles together before but I have never mastered anything above that. I wouldn't try it now anyway because I have 2 small boys who would strow the pieces everywhere. I have seen the finished product of several masterpieces and it is amazing to me the picture that is formed when all of the pieces are in place. As I ponder upon my own life I realize that there have been times when I tried to make a piece fit that wasn't supposed to fit. I have tried to make people a part of my life that were never meant to be in my picture at all. I have tried to add many things to my puzzle that were never part of God's perfect picture of my life. I am so glad that God has it all figured out. God knows exactly what my puzzle will look like when all the pieces are together. If there is something in my life that isn't supposed to be there, He removes it. He also adds the things to the puzzle that He intends to be there. There have been times when God held back some pieces just to test my faith. In putting together my 100 piece puzzles, I couldn't have done it without looking at the finished product on the box, the picture that I was working towards. The plan for my life has already been designed by God and He is the only one who knows what it will look like. Yes, it will hurt when He removes the pieces I thought were meant to be there, but I rest assured knowing that He is in control and He has the perfect picture in the preview of His mind and when my life is complete it will be a masterpiece of God's Design and not mine.

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